LubX® CV

Type of Product

Compression moulded sheets, skived sheets, extruded profiles, rods, finished parts according to customers drawings

LubX® CV - Let the facts convince you

In 2012 Röchling introduced two sliding materials for the conveyor industry: LubX® S and LubX® C. Both materials' sliding properties have been optimized specifically for their respective sliding partners. Röchling has now developed LubX® CV: Especially for systems to be operated at higher speeds and therefore higher productivity. LubX® CV has exceptionally good sliding properties and at the same time exhibits a very low temperature development. Both results in lower wear and a longer lifespan of the entire system.

In scientific studies in cooperation with the Technical University of Chemnitz, Institute for Material Handling and Plastics, and the University of Erlangen, Institute of Polymer Technology, LubX® CV has met the high demands. Let the facts convince you.

Your benefits with LubX® CV

  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Less stress on all parts of the conveyor system
  • Significantly reduced temperature development
  • Long life
  • Increased process stability
  • Lower noise emission
  • Shorter run-in phase
  • Longer maintenance intervals

Properties of LubX® CV

  • Excellent sliding properties even at higher velocities and pressure loads
  • Excellent dry running properties
  • High wear resistance
  • Food Compliance according 10/2011/EU, 1935/2004/EC, FDA
  • GMP-compliant according to 2023/2006 EC
  • Good machinability


Sliding and conveyor parts for Conveyor technology, Automation, Food industry

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