Amorphous transparent thermoplastic with a touch of yellow


  • Exceptionally low smoke emission in case of ignition
  • Highly resistant to x and gamma rays
  • High rigidity, tensile strength and hardness across a wide range of temperatures
  • High impact toughness even at low temperatures
  • Extremely high dimensional stability
  • Good workability
  • Good thermoformability
  • Good adhesive properties
  • Good weldability
  • Good dimensional stability at high temperatures
  • Very high continuous operating temperature
  • Good electro-insulating properties and good dielectric behavior

Chemical resistance

  • Highly resistant to: hot water and steam
  • Good resistance to: dilute acids, alkaline solutions, gasoline, oils, fats, alcohols
  • Limited resistance to: polar solvents, aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene

Usage area

For parts sterilized by exposure to gamma rays, hot steam, ethylene oxide and hot air.

E.g. Laboratory equipment, medical equipment

17.6. 2022


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9.4. 2024

AMPER 2024

AMPER 2024 W dniach 19-21.3.2024 w halach V i F odbyła się 30 edycja targów AMPER w halach V i F. AMEPR to największe międzynarodowe targi technologii elektrycznych,…
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